personality test
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E.Q. Aptitude Test

personality test

Number of questions: 40 - Duration: 7 to 8 min
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EQ testIdentify and manage your emotions

Do you easily get irritated or keep yourself cool in stressful situations? How empathetic are you? Are you in control of your emotions? How good are you at resolving conflicts?

Emotional Intelligence is a person's ability to identify and manage his/her emotions and those of others in everyday situations.

Essential to self-fulfillment, emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in every area of personal and professional life.


More information about the EQ Test

The assessment of emotional intelligence is becoming increasingly common in an effort to ensure high-quality human resources. Executive positions require self awareness and strong interpersonal skills, which is why emotionally gifted people typically hold these positions.

This test is based on Peter Salovey and John Mayer's theories about emotional intelligence, which has been further developed by Daniel Goleman and Reuven Bar-On.

Quotient Emotionnel Your personalized report gives you:

  • An evaluation  of your global EQ score compared  with the rest of the population.
  • An analysis of eight different dimensions broken down into two groups:
    • Personal Dimension: emotional self-knowledge, self-control, self motivation, self-esteem.
    • Relational Dimension: empathy, emotional expression, conflict resolution, assertiveness.
  • customized feedback based on your score.
  • A general description of what is meant by Emotional Intelligence.

The EQ Test was developed and validated by Central Test psychologists on a representative sample of the English speaking population. Central Test is the leader in personality, ability and career testing with more than 3,500 clients and two million internet users.

What our test takers say ...

Mary, 36, Security Officer
"Good tool for analysis and awareness of one's strengths and one's areas of emotional development. Contributes to the progress of an individual."