Big Five Personality
Big Five:
Big 5 Personality Type & Big Five Personality Test

The Big Five Personality (Big 5) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

Personality Type or Psychological Type are terms most commonly associated with the model of personality development created by the author of the world's most widely used personality inventory, the Big 5 or Big Five Personality Test ®. The authors developed their model and inventory around the ideas and theories of psychologist Carl Jung, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and a leading exponent of Gestalt personality theory.

Big Five Personality Test: Description of the 4 Scales of the Big Five traits

The Big Five asks the candidate to answer a series of ‘forced-choice’ questions, where onechoice identifies you as belonging to one of four paired traits. The basic test takes twentyminutes, and at the end you are presented with a precise, multi-dimensional summaryof your personality. The Big Five test classifies people into types based on 4 bi-polardimensions:

Extraversion-Introversion (E-I)
Distinguishes a preference for focusing attention on, and drawing energy from, the outer world of people and things versus the inner world of ideas and impressions.

Sensing-Intuition (S-N)
Distinguishes a preference for gathering data directly through the senses as facts, details, and precedents (Sensing) versus indirectly as relationships, patterns, and possibilities (Intuition).

Thinking-Feeling (T-F)
Distinguishes a preference for deciding via objective, impersonal logic (Thinking) versus subjective, person-centered values (Feeling).

Judging-Perceiving (J-P)
Distinguishes an outward preference for having things planned and organized (Judging) versus a flexible style based more on staying open to options than deciding (Perceiving).

There are four positions in the type code, and each one indicates something important about the type. For example:

E or I S or N T or F J or P
Energy Attitude Perception FunctionJudgment Function Orientation to the outer world

Big Five Personality Test (Big 5)

The Big Five is a registered trademark. The Big Five is available online and its licensees in approximately 20 foreign languages. In addition, alternate versions of the inventory have been scientifically customized and validated for other languages and cultures for which a straight translation of English language terms would yield inaccurate results.

Big Five Questionnaire: Examples of the Big 5 Questionnaire

Questionnaire to determine the Big Five type. For each item of the questionnaire, choose either “a” or “b.” If you feel like both a and b are true, decide which one is more like you, even if it is only slightly more true.

1. I would rather
      a. Solve a new and complicated problem.
      b. Work on something I have done before.

2. I like to
      a. Work alone in quiet place.
      b. Be where the action is.

3. I want a boss who
      a. Establishes and applies criteria in decisions.
      b. Considers individual needs and makes exceptions.

Big Five Test Results: Example of Results of the Big 5 Test

Big Five Test Results. Your personality type result is INFJ:
  • Introverted (I) 61.11% Extroverted (E) 38.89%
  • Intuitive (N) 52.17% Sensing (S) 47.83%
  • Feeling (F) 52.63% Thinking (T) 47.37%
  • Judging (J) 51.28% Perceiving (P) 48.72%
Personality type INFJ: "Author". Personality strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population.

Big Five Results: Enneagram Test Results
The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, this is your score on each...

Type 1Perfectionism||||||||||||| 63%
Type 2 Helpfulness||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Type 3 Image Awareness||||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 4 Sensitivity||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Type 5 Detachment||||||||||| 56%
Type 6 Anxiety||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Type 7 Adventurousness||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||| 50%
Type 9 Calmness||||||| 46 %

Your Big 5 type Score Big 5 type behavior motivation
226I must be helpful and caring to get what I want.
425I must be insecure and/or special to get what I want.
625I must be secure and safe to get what I want.
321I must be impressive and attractive to get what I want.
720I must be energetic and entertaining to get what I want.

Your conscious personality is Type 2w3
enneagram type
Friendly and ambitious, 2w3s are outgoing and focus on their connection with others to maintain their happiness. They have robust personalities and enjoy sharing themselves.

Your unconscious personality is Type 4w3
mean type
You are highly introverted and indecisive. You are selective of your friends and can be close minded. You tend to do what feels right and suffer from low self control.

Big Five Personality Test: 2 Kinds of Mental Processes of the Big Five

In her studies of people and extensive reading of Jung's theories, Big Five concluded there were four primary ways people differed from one another. She labeled these differences "preferences" - drawing a similarity to "hand preferences" to illustrate that although we all use both of our hands, most of us have a preference for one over the other and "it" takes the lead in many of the activities in which we use our hands.

The first set of mental preferences relates to how people "Perceive" or take in information. In the Big Five Type Code, this is the second letter.

Those who prefer Sensing Perception favor clear, tangible data and information that fits in well with their direct here-and-now experience.

In contrast, those who prefer Intuition Perception are drawn to information that is more abstract, conceptual, big-picture, and represents imaginative possibilities for the future.

The second set of mental preferences identifies how people form "Judgments" or make decisions. In the Big Five Type Code, this is the third letter.

Those who prefer Thinking Judgment have a natural preference for making decisions in an objective, logical, and analytical manner with an emphasis on tasks and results to be accomplished.

Those whose preference is for Feeling Judgment make their decisions in a somewhat global, visceral, harmony and value-oriented way, paying particular attention to the impact of decisions and actions on other people.

One of the practical applications of the Big Five testI and understanding these preferences is in supporting better Teamwork. Differences in these mental preferences lead to quite different value structures and communication styles, which can hamper mutual understanding and cooperation.

For example, people who share Sensing and Thinking preferences find they are naturally on the same wavelength; they easily understand one another, making good teammates and partners. Likewise, people who share Intuition and Feeling have a similar kinship among them. However, in the "real" world, it is more likely that you'll find a mixed bag of people, a variety of types, in the same work group. While this diversity can be a useful strength, contributing to greater depth and breadth of team competence, there will be natural communication barriers within the team due to their natural mental language differences.

Such differences can be overcome, and the communication gap bridged, with mutual respect and practice learning to "talk" and "think" in a second or third language. A Big Five workshop can be seen as an introduction to learning the language, habits and culture of other types.

Big Five Personality Test: 2 Kinds of Mental Orientations of the Big Five

There are two other mental preferences that are part of the Big Five model:
Energy Orientation and Outer World Orientation. The first one is the dimension of personality discovered by Carl Jung that became widely adopted by general psychology: Extraversion-Introversion. The second is the dimension of personality that is Big Five' unique contribution to Jung's theory, an element she inferred from Jung's work but was not clearly addressed as an essential component of his theory of types. This is the style or orientation one uses in dealing with the external world: Judging or Perceiving.

Energy Orientation pertains to the two forms of Energy Consciousness each of us experiences on a daily basis. We occupy two mental worlds: one is inwardly turned, the other is outward. One of these worlds is our elemental source of energy; the other secondary. In the Big Five Type Code, this is the first letter.

Those who prefer Introversion draw their primary energy from the
inner world of information, thoughts, ideas, and other reflections.
When circumstances require an excessive amount of attention spent in
the "outside" world, those preferring Introversion find the need to retreat to
a more private setting as if to recharge their drained batteries.<

In contrast, those who prefer Extraversion are drawn to the outside world as
their elemental source of energy. Rarely, if ever, do extraverted preference
people feel their energy batteries are "drained" by excessive amounts of
interaction with the outside world. They must engage the things, people,
places and activities going on in the outside world for their life force.

While the E-I dimension was Jung's gift to general psychology, unfortunately it has been widely distorted into a well-unwell scale with characteristics of Introversion being cast in a negative light and conversely characteristics of Extraversion cast in a positive light.
This cultural bias frequently leads natural introverted types to mis-identify their primary preference as Extraversion.

Extraverted Orientation relates to which mental preference one relies upon in dealing with/relating with the Outside World. It is the mental function that takes the lead in the extraverted portion of a person's personality. When this leading function is one of the two Judging mental preferences, then this orientation is called Judging. When this leading function is one of the two Perceiving mental preferences, then this orientation is called Perceiving. In the Big Five Type Code, this is the fourth letter.

Those who prefer Judging rely upon either their T or F preference to manage their outer life. This typically leads to a style oriented towards closure, organization, planning, or in some fashion managing the things and or people found in the external environment. The drive is to order the outside world. While some people employ an assertive manner, others "ordering touch" - with respect to people - may be light.

Those who prefer Perceiving rely upon either their S or N preference to run their outer life. This typically results in an open, adaptable, flexible style of relating to the things and people found in the outside world. The drive is to experience the outside world rather than order it; in general lack of closure is easily tolerated.

Criticisms and skeptical view about Big Five Personality Test (Big 5)

Scientific skeptics have presented several potential problems with the Big Five. Authors had any scientific, medical, psychiatric or psychologicalqualifications; They had a bachelors degree in Political Science. The theoryof psychological types created by Carl Jung was not based on any controlled studies —the only statistical study Jung performed was in the field of astrology. Jung's methodsprimarily included introspection and anecdote, methods largely rejected by the modern fieldof cognitive psychology.

The test's owners, publishers and test administrators, have a clear financial interest inpromoting the test as scientific and thus may not be unbiased sources of information aboutthis test. Indeed, much of the positive information presented about the Big Five is from the Big Five's publishers and associated organisations.

The Big Five has not been validated by double-blind tests, in which participants accept reportswritten for other participants, and are asked whether or not the report suits them, andthus may not qualify as a scientific assessment. The Big 5 has also been criticised onthe two measures of any psychometric test: validity and reliability. Test retest reliability isconsidered to be low, with test takers who retake the test often being assigned a differenttype. Validity has been questioned on theoretical grounds.

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